This article is for those Cities/State- where certain indoor sports are allowed but NO body-to-body contact.


High impact sports defined here would be those with body-to-body contact as part of the game.

Example of ‘low impact sports’ allowed in a pandemic related – transitional period:

  • Basketball training is allowed but only with avoiding body to body contact; therefore – no games or scrimmages are allowed. Skill-building drills or conditioning without playing basketball games is allowed.
  • Volleyball training and in fact volleyball games- are allowed (if they follow the Covid rules below).
  • Pickleball can be played but only if players do not rotate partners or courts-

Covid has created a situation where some areas of the country are completely shut down for sports while other areas are opening with ‘certain sports’ allowed (as mentioned above). This transition period is difficult to navigate but this article should help you with four directives in running athletic events during this Covid sensitive time: 1) rules & branding of the rules 2) gym preparation 3) event management- supervisor duties and 4) post event duties-


A key to each event is proper branding of the Covid rules. ‘Branding’ involves making the rules clear both in advance of the event and at the event, to reduce the chance of violations. These rules are sent to participants prior to the event to help reduce potential confusion and arguments:

  1. You are required to wear a face mask
  2. 6-foot distance required before and after event and as much as possible during the event.
  3. Fresh air from outdoors will be present during your activity.
  4. There is to be time and space between one group and the next, such as differing entries and exits or time between groups.
  5. You cannot bring guests or spectators, including children
  6. Temperature check as you arrive
  7. No high fives or unnecessary physical contact
  8. Bring water bottles – fountains are to be avoided.
  9. Bathroom use should be one person at a time.
  10. There will be sanitization of equipment and common areas between events. Participants are to leave immediately upon completion of their event to allow for this process.
  • The Gym Supervisor must show up early – by 30 minutes- so there is no ‘build-up of people waiting’ to get in the gym, and so the Supervisor can establish the entry checkpoint with proper Covid release forms- temperature scanner and so on… These release forms will double as your contact tracing. The entry point is used for individual temperature checks, branding of the rules- as well as availability of hand sanitizer. The best entry point will have a view of the court to allow for monitoring events. You do not want to let lines build up- so ideally- set up the gym, set up the table and let people arrive over a spread-out window of time (to avoid buildup of lines).


    The Gym Supervisor should identify an event leader per activity to help enforce the Covid rules. The gym supervisor is the final say but it is good to have an ally on the game floor. The event leader is a player or coach- who is IN the event playing that ‘helps’ in case the Gym Supervisor misses something. The event leader is not being paid typically so the Gym Supervisor must be a leader; he/she needs to ‘walk the event’ a few times- reminding everyone of the rules and/or thanking them for following the rules. Doors and/or windows to the outside should be opened to increase air circulation. Social distancing of six feet should be continually encouraged, especially prior to the event. Hugs, high-fives, handshakes, even fist bumps are not allowed. Proper time management is a key to maximizing time and distance between events and participants- meaning- when an event ends, the gym supervisor asks everyone to leave promptly and explains why (“next group is coming – in 15 minutes- and we need to have one group out before they come in, thanks”). This bears repeating- the Gym Supervisor needs to ‘walk in and around the event’ a few times- reminding everyone of the rules and/or thanking them for following the rules.


    Proper maintenance of the gym requires disinfecting equipment other than the floor. The floor can be dry mopped between events. The Gym Supervisor should begin this process with proper preparation of his/herself with hand sanitizer and then disposable gloves. Isopropyl alcohol with a 70-percent alcohol concentration is a preferable option. Use a spray bottle and cloth to wipe all equipment from top to bottom, and in one direction. The checklist of equipment includes: the entry area, scoreboard, light-switches, bathroom toilets, faucets, bathroom door handles and the door handles for entry and exit points. Then, its lock the door, clean the handle and celebrate a job well done!

    Mikal Duilio and his business (P & R Athletics Inc.) manages their own sports that occur in Oregon and Washington. If your staff needs any training- use this article and/or reach out to us at 503-380-4539.