Your gym already has basketball and volleyball lines. Would you like to be able to play Pickleball in that same facility/gym; let Mikal Duilio help-

  1. Mikal Duilio will pay for, order and deliver the following equipment: a) 3 pickleball nets (the court) b) 4 racquets c) 16 pickleball balls d) 6 court dividers and e) 8 roles of tape to mark the court. Mikal Duilio will secure/pay for his own transportation & hotel- to get to the facility to deliver and set up the 3 courts.
  2. Mikal Duilio will meet with your staff (1 hour) in person to teach how to set up a court including taping the court/creating the court- this process requires you to have 2 staff members present doing/learning this.
  3. Mikal Duilio will explain how to play the game (1 hour) as far as the a) rules b) scoring c) how to make games work if you have odd or short numbers and d) how to teach brand new players- how to play this game.
  4. Mikal Duilio will also discuss (45 minutes) risk management concerns that are unique to Pickleball and also unique to this Pickleball age group. This is a very important process in putting Pickleball in your facility and a minimum of 2 of your staff needs to be present for this explanation.
  5. Mikal Duilio will discuss with the facility director how to use tape (15 minutes) for floor markings and as importantly how to get tape up, how to replace tape twice per year. Mikal will discuss future options for painting your court (another 15 minutes of education) including conversation about specific colors that work for that sport (and colors that do not work for this sport/this age group). The idea in painting your court is to create pickleball courts that are visible but do not take away from your main basketball and volleyball lines.

Cost: as arranged